Sunday, January 24, 2010

You can't judge a book by it's cover...

Doctor. Nurse. Teacher. Firefighter. These are all common careers that children wish to be when they grow up. What did you want to be when you were a child? Now answer this, is that your recent position?

When I was younger I had a different career choice everyday, whether it was an artist, veterinarian or even a gymnast. In all reality, I finished high school and enrolled in cosmetology school where I put my creativity to the test. I received my cosmetology license in 2005 and worked in a hip, Lincoln Park salon and spa. Life was great!

In 2007, I was diagnosed with a severe case of psoriasis; this rash-like skin disease covered about 97% of my body. I worked in a salon where it felt like high school all over again, gossiping, clicks and a primarily woman staffed salon where if you didn’t fit in you were out. Here was my problem; I had a common skin disease that covered my body including my arms and hands. How can I cover up my hands when I work with them every day? I was embarrassed and I wore long sleeved shirts and pants in the blazing heat of summer while being under constant heat of blow dryers.

After a while co-workers would ask me why I always wear long sleeves, I responded with the truth. To my surprise, most were taken back and almost disgusted. I soon felt like an outcast who was constantly being looked at and judged. Even though I was a talented stylist the confidence I had was gone and the love I had for my career also disappeared. The beauty industry can be an extremely surfaced field where you must look the part no matter how skilled and talented you are. That is what made me change career paths and go back to school to become an Early Childhood educator. I want to help children realize and understand that each person has qualities, traits and talents that set them aside from all others.

I often see both children and adults who point and stare when they see someone who is different from themselves. Next time you see someone who is different then yourself- try something different, offer a helping hand, introduce yourself or simply just smile and say hello!

If you want to learn more about psoriasis please visit...


  1. Wow. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I have never heard of the skin disease that you have, but it's not like it is your fault. That's like having Cancer, and someone picking on you for it. Some people really need to grow up.
    I can connect with working in a place that is high school all over again, with drama and gossip everywhere. Makes you realize you dont need that in your life and you are better than that.
    It is usually others insecurities that lead for them to gossip and talk about others. Its not fair. But at least you got out, and you are bettering yourself. You are going to impact young childrens lives, and maybe you can even do hair out of your house for extra money on the side. :)
    I wish you luck with your future, I'm sure you'll do great.

  2. My fiance has psoriasis, eczema, name a skin problem he has it. He feels bad most the time because he has cuts, scars, scratches, bleeding not only on his arms but on his face, legs and back. It's expensive to control, but I have never put him down for it. I think he's handsome the way he is. Most of the time we control it, but sometimes he gets really bad outbreaks and it's awful. His arms always look bad. With cases like these you have to surround yourself with people who are understanding and don't judge. I'm sorry for what you have gone through and I just want you to know you are not alone, at all.

  3. Tracy, you are a strong woman. It's unfortunate that our society judges people on looks than what is really on the inside. There are alot of ignorant people in our society that feed off of other people's insecurities, but you just have to do your best to be the stronger person in this kind of situation. It is awesome that you want to help children especially early childhood because if they dont have the guidance at home you can help them with that. Good luck!!

  4. You are right for going back to school and starting with the kids first because that finger pointing and teasing start at a very young age. I am a big guy and I remember my youth when none of the girls wanted to talk to me because I was huskie. But people don't realize even still that beauty is only skin deep and by me dating some really pretty girls when I got older it showed me how shallow they were. Most only talked to me because I dress nice and they assumed I had money or I was one of the first to have a car in high school. Dating these hallow creatures taught me to look deeper into a woman and what she has to offer more than what kind of bag she is carrying. And for those people you worked with to judge you by your appearance instead of your talent at work shows you how much they matured since grade school. I wouldn't have changed my career for them I would have just start wearing tank tops to work because you gone be you and nobody can change you but yourself. Stay strong and it don't matter what others think let them stare.
